Hand-washing & a Healthy, Clean Office
Washing Your Hands at Certain Times and After Certain Events Can Help Prevent Sickness in the Office
We all remember being told to wash our hands before eating when we were younger, but sometimes as adults we forget to do this. Washing your hands, however, is an important to prevent infection and avoid spreading germs both in and out of the office. Keep your office healthy and happy by learning the importance of hand washing.
At work, you touch many different surfaces like your mouse, your computer, and the break room’s fridge door. All these surfaces have germs living on them. When you touch these items, germs are instantly transferred onto your hand.
To prevent illness from germ transfer, most of us know it’s important to wash your hands before and after you eat and after using the bathroom. In addition, it’s especially important to wash your hands after blowing your nose, sneezing, and coughing during the cold and flu season.
Sadly, most people don’t realize that YOU SHOULD ALSO WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER SHAKING SOMEONE’S HAND. Think about the last time you went to a business luncheon or networking event. You probably met several colleagues and new people and shook their hands. Do you remember washing your hands after? Did you eat something right after shaking their hands or touch your face?
You can easily spread germs that can make you and others sick by not washing your hands after making contact with others.
READ MORE: How Quickly do Germs Grow on your Office Technology?
According to Mayo Clinic, you should wash your hands with both soap and water. Both warm and cold water will work. You should scrub all the surfaces of your hand including the wrists, between the fingers, under the nails, and on the back of your hands to ensure every part of your hand is being cleaned. After drying your hands, try to use a towel or your elbow to turn off the faucet. This way you don’t touch the same germs that you just washed off.
There are several ways you can help promote hand washing and other healthy habits at the office. You can have printed signs, fliers, and cards near the sinks and bathrooms. If you prefer to promote a healthy office digitally, look at doing digital signage or a weekly email newsletter. You can place the signs in the lobby and other commonly trafficked areas for your employees to see. You can use the newsletter to remind your employees about flu season and hand washing.
While hand washing can help prevent the spreading of germs, regularly cleaning is also important to stop germs from spreading. When you regularly have the areas with the most germs cleaned, you reduce the risk of your employees becoming sick. Disinfecting keyboards, phones, and other frequently used equipment will keep everyone in the office healthy.
READ MORE : Cleaning for Health: Germs & Bacteria in the Office
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Professional Office Cleaning Services from Universal Cleaners ensures that your office is both welcoming and impeccably clean. We understand that customers and new clients rely on a pristine appearance. It is our job to guarantee that entry ways, lobbies, frequent locations, waiting areas and washrooms remain immaculate in order to maintain the general public perception of one’s organization.
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