Your Changing Season Cleaning Checklist
As the seasons changes so should your cleaning strategies. Here are some of the most important tasks to check off your list to keep your home clean and organized.
Ceiling Fans
Are your fans turning in the right direction to properly circulate air? Rotating the airflow on ceiling fans during summer and winter will not only help create a more comfortable living environment, but also allows you to adjust your thermostat in order to reduce energy consumption and lower monthly utility bills. For a cool, summer breeze effect during the warmer months, fan blades should rotate counterclockwise in order to force the air down. In the winter, ceiling fans should run in reverse or rotate clockwise at a low speed, to pull air up and redistribute warm air throughout the room. Today, most ceiling fans include remote controls that make rotating the direction of the fan blades easy. If your fan does not have a remote, shift the switch or button on the base of the fan.
Air Filters
Changing your air filters is crucial to the proper performance of your HVAC system and protecting your family’s health. Air filters significantly affect your homes indoor quality. Dust, pet hair and other allergens often get trapped in your home’s HVAC registers and air vents. Additionally, if moisture is present, it is possible that spores from microbiological growth, such as mold, can be released into the home’s living space. As a general rule of thumb, replace air filters every thirty to ninety days. If you have pets or suffer from asthma and allergies you may need to change your filters more frequently.
To help alleviate allergy triggers, use an upholstery brush to vacuum mattresses in order to remove dead skin cells, pet dander and dust mites. Additionally, improved technology has enabled us to stopping flipping mattresses; however, to prolong it’s life and to prevent sagging and body impressions, it is important to rotate the mattress every three to six months. Do not forget to rotate your box spring while you are at it.
Fridge and Pantry
Next, turn your attention to the refrigerator and toss out any food that is expired. Remove all of the items and give the shelves and drawers a good scrubbing with a natural cleaning solution, such as vinegar, to sanitize the surface before replacing them. Then, inspect all items in the pantry and discard those that are expired. Pay special attention to spices and baking goods, which are not used as often.
One area of the bathroom that is often neglected is the shower curtain and liner, which can harbor soap scum, mold and mildew. While different factors come into play, such as ventilation and how many are using the shower, it is important to wash the shower curtain and replace the liner between three months and one year. For a greener approach, wash the curtain on a gentle cycle with mild detergent and ½ cup of distilled white vinegar and hang dry.
The changing of the seasons should be your cue to evaluate what’s in your closet. You are more likely to wear what you can see. Accordingly it is important to swap out seasonal clothing, storing items you don’t need and hanging or folding ones that you do. Organizing and rotating your clothing will also enable you to see what you have and identify classic pieces that you will want to preserve. Sort clothing into keep, donate and toss piles to help declutter at the same time.
Safety First
Finally, your bi-annual cleaning ritual is a great time to test and replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.